Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Look at these cute little lammies in The Netherlands! They look like little cows!!!  (so I guess I mean calves) I found them on this website of Dutch weather photographers, which I look at daily by the way. It gives me a good picture of what is going on in Holland weather wise and sometimes also culture wise. Go to 'last uploads' and see what pictures they have taken most recently. What a beautiful country! (and I will be visiting it this summer after 6 years of absence!)

Today I'm off to Little Bit again, the horse therapeutic program I volunteer for, for those of you that didn't quite remember. They have a new website I discovered yesterday which looks so much better than the previous one. You can look at it here.

I hope my teeth will cooperate: as soon as my heart rate goes up I feel my blood pumping in the surgical area. It doesn't hurt perse but it is not exactly pleasant either. This Thursday I have to go back to the dentist for the first check-up...

That's about it for now. It is dry outside and it looks like it will stay that way so Yay! for that...

1 comment:

  1. Wat een dotjes, deze lammetjes! En wat een heerlijk vooruitzicht, deze zomer naar Nederland!


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