Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pink Bubblies...

So, this morning (and afternoon) I had an absolutely wonderful time at the Fashion Show/ Fundraiser for the NW Children's Fund! All my fears were for nothing (of course) since I knew just about everyone there and it was great company to be in.

The clothes were shown by our own school's parents (see above!) and were provided by CAbi. I had never heard of this company but apparently I was one of the only ones. Their style is very casual with some fun stuff thrown in. Nothing compared to the European fashion style of course but actually quite nice for the American market.

I found a most awesome jacket made out of very thin dark grey cotton (see above) but unfortunately it was just a bit too costly for my budget. Instead of buying it  (of which only 20 % would have made it to the fundraiser) I donated my budget directly to the NW Fund. I'm hoping I can make something like it myself, if I find the right fabric and pattern of course...

After the show we had a lovely catered lunch and lots of pink bubblies! (Yum! especially at 11 in the morning...)
They also gave us a 'Swag Bag' (i.e. a goody bag) to take home and below you can see some of the things that were in it...

That was it, another fun-filled day!

PS The flooding is becoming worse but it is nothing compared to what we've experienced in the past. Our house is never in danger (unless the dam bursts up river) so don't worry...

Here is another picture (webcam) of the same spot as this morning. You can see clearly how much the water has been rising. In the foreground you see a Fox News truck set up for some reporting...

Flooding Once Again...

Well, two of our main roads are once again closed. The one above, that we use most of the time, just closed minutes ago and the other main one closed early last night. Flood stage is now at 56 feet and is expected to rise to a little over 58 by tomorrow morning.

Of course I have something important to go to today so I'll have to take some alternative routes. I've been invited to a fundraiser for the NW Children's Fund and it includes a catered lunch and a fashion show! Pretty fancy stuff and I am so Not Fancy! I'm wearing my homemade black and white polka dotted skirt to show them how tough I am, not.... I hate those stupid insecurities!
I'm sure I'll have a good time and I even have a small budget to spend a little, so chin up!

Your roving reporter will keep you posted on the flooding, back this afternoon...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Light Sewing...

While the rain continues to fall (and the rivers are expected to flood in a major way) I decided to sew some new pillow covers out of the curtains (WorldMarket) that we used to have in our master bedroom. I also reupholstered (i.e. made a cover for) the little stool on the left. Now of course the rug doesn't go with the pillows anymore but what do you do...

I've been using orange as a main color in our interior for many years and now I am starting turn towards more reds, which again don't go at all with what we already have. Even white doesn't really go with anything we have. (at least not with much)
This is because all our woodwork is in the actual wood color/ stain and it would be an absolute nightmare to paint the whole house. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE painting the walls but I hate painting any woodwork. So, that's not going to happen. I'll just have to come up with a new color scheme for on the walls but with the rounded walls at the corners, that is not an easy project either. What a conundrum... ;-)

Stay dry!

New Gadget(s)...

This weekend we've invested in  a Water Pik, i.e. an apparatus to clean my gums even better! It uses water pressure and pulsates also so it can get right into the gum pockets. (it was highly recommended by my periodontist!)

The top one will be the one I'll be using from now on and the kids will get the other, cordless one. Mine has a lot more pressure settings than the cordless one and since I am the one with the gum issues, I'm keeping it! (Ha!) It has lots of different tips, even a tongue cleaner (Gag!), but also one especially designed to clean braces so daughter M. will be using that one.  I will still be flossing but hopefully only once a day now that I have this little guy helping me...

My mouth is healing like a charm by the way. Still very sensitive around those two molars but otherwise things are going really well. Yes, I do sound a little surprised here. I thought it would take way longer to heal...

In the mean time, rain is coming out of the sky 100%. It is so dreary outside that I've turned on almost all the lamps inside to cheer me up. Not very eco-friendly I know...
I think I'd better come up with another crafty project or maybe I'll just do a little embroidery. That project has been untouched for a while now. What are you guys doing???

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh Boy, Here We Go Again...

I was just checking the latest flood advisories etc. (as one does who lives between two large flooding rivers) and oh boy, that ain't looking too good!!!

This means that a major amount of water must be coming from the skies soon. (it is raining already) Probably some snow melting in the mountains as well that will end up over here but mainly rain I think. Our last flood went up to 59 feet and the biggest one from two years ago went all the way to 62 I believe, but if they are predicting 58 already now, I fear it might go even higher...

Exciting times once again!

PS Don't worry, so far our house has never been even close to the flooding so we should be good. The roads in and out of our town however are a different matter...

The Finished Dress...

Yay! I finished the dress after all!!!
Lots of lessons learned once again, the biggest one: try on your garment in between the sewing and don't wait until you've finished all the edges and binding etc! (that is obviously what I did and it was almost impossible to change anything) I received a big compliment though: daughter M. wants me to make her one as well but then with a plain fabric on top and a patterened skirt!

Now the waiting is for sunny weather and it looks like we'll be waiting for a long time to come: tons of rain in the forecast and we're once again under a flood advisory...

Hopefully it will at least stay dry until noon because I'm off to Little Bit again and the lessons are always so much more fun when we can actually go outside with the horses. Otherwise we just walk in circles in the arena and that is no fun for anyone...

I leave you with a sunny flower picture from last week: I love Gardenia's!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blue Jay and Random Ramblings...

I fear this is once again one of those days that I post lots of short, random posts: I hope I'm not boring you with them?
I'm a bit bored myself. Even though I have plenty to do I just don't feel like it...

Anyway, I just took these pictures of the Blue Jay through my in-home office window. These birds are extremely skittish and therefore it is really difficult to make any good pictures of them. These came out ok don't you think?

OK, enough sitting behind the computer screen. Go get your b... in gear Miss M. and go and do something Usefull! (like finishing that dress, vaccuuming, preparing dinner etc. etc.)

The Dress....

Hello everyone! I was so afraid this dress wouldn't fit, it actually turned out to be too big! So what you see here is the first unchanged version. It is not hemmed yet and the bustline was too wide so I'll have adjust that also. The zipper (in the side seam underneath the left arm) was a Nightmare so I will not give you any close-ups of that mess but it is in and it closes properly and that's all that matters!

The front bodice had a nice folding seam detail in it, I hope you can see it in the second picture? (click on it then you get a bigger view)

So, so far not too bad!

Jazz Band in Seattle...

This is apparently a legendary Rock place where Soundgarden
has performed several times in 'them olden days'.
We heard lots of awesome grunge sounds while passing this place...

Through the car window.

Crossing Lake Washington...

...with the sun setting behind us at 7:30pm.
Last night the school's Jazz Band performed at Tula's, a Jazz Club in down town Seattle. C. is the understudy of one of the senior students and he got to play at least half of the whole reportoire!  We were so very proud... G.'s parents came up from Tacoma and joined us for dinner at the Club.

I just LOVE seeing teenagers being so passionate about something!

On our way home I took some pictures of the surroundings as I am always in awe of all the city buildings and landscapes.

What a great ending to the weekend it was!

More Spring!

Yay! Here is the rest of the pictures I took for this week's Signs of Spring!
I'll publish them quickly before they disappear again...


Part Deux in Signs Of Spring...

Well, and now I once again cannot insert any pictures! There is something going on with Blogger obviously. Please bear with me as I will try again a bit later....

I also wanted to show you a couple of pictures of C.'s Jazz Band performance in Seattle last night, but I guess that will have to wait as well...

Hope your day is going better than mine so far? ;-)


Signs of Spring, Another Attempt...

Hej Allihopa! I'm doing my Signs of Spring posts in at least two parts today. I spent so much time on it yesterday and then all the pictures dissappeared!!!
Anyway, all the pics are in '1960's mode, I thought that would be fun for a change...

Friday, March 25, 2011

New Sewing Project...

I was so inspired by Carolyn's dress making skills that I decided to buy this pattern (Simplicity #2209 from the 'Lisette' line. I believe she is the designer behind 'Oliver+S') as well and give it a try. The fabric is a print by Robert Kaufman that I bought in Seattle last summer. All the pieces have been cut, so time for a break. I'll probably start the real sewing either tomorrow or Sunday....

Another Glorious Day...

Click on the picture and you will see it in all its glory...
Just look at this: another glorious day here along the Cow Road!

All the rain has disappeared (for now at least) and it has been beautifully sunny so far. It was also great to be out with the horses at Little Bit again of course. I was even too hot in all my layers! (the barn is always freezing)

My teeth have been feeling almost like normal, it is Friday and the sun is shining: what more can you ask for?!

Have a great week-end everybody!!!

Daffodil, Narcis, Påsklilja...

The Daffodils are blooming!!!
These pictures (taken in 1960's mode) were taken the last three days. I was so happy to finally see them open up and in the sunshine no less. We've had three absolutely lovely weather days here but they seem to be gone again, the rain was thundering on our roof this morning... But, everything is growing like crazy and I have been taking pictures like crazy. Just wait until Monday for the next 'Signs of Spring'...

Yesterday I had my follow-up visit with the periodontist (the gum doctor) and he not only took out the putty-like dressing but also the stitches! And all that without pain. (very important of course) He said everything was healing very nicely. He did have to put in a bone graft last week because of some bone loss. (the graft came from a kadaver: eeeuwwwwwww!)

Now I have to start getting used to all these new areas around my teeth and it just feels plain funny. Also  one of the two teeth (molars) is extremely sensitive now and I mean Crazy Extreme! Hopefully that will subside soon because that is no joke...

Anyway, all the meds are done and I only have to come for one more follow-up visit late April so now I can try and forget about it all for a while...

On my way home from visiting my fellow blogger Joanna I parked next to this beautiful little bug while attempting to eat the lovely fruitcup Miss Joanna gave me for a little snack. (it was great Jo!) I met the owner of the car (Americans truly are so friendly!) and he told me it was made in 1961. That was quite a bit before my time. I loved the old fashioned red color. I remember my aunt Cathy had one in Hunter Green...

Well, that was it for now. My lovely son C. is spending his second day at home today with a bit of a fever, sore head, a cold etc. He will be performing this weekend with the school's Jazz Band at a real Jazz Club in Seattle, how cool is that?

PS Found this leaf on our doorstep this morning. I think it came from our Tulip Tree...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wise Guys...

M. and I had fun crafting these two little Wise Guys while waiting for the other (manly) half of the family...
Thanks again sis!

Fruits Of My Labor...

Ha, look what I just made!
It was supposed to be a quick & easy project but my sewing machine seemed to have 'a ghost inside' (wasn't that the title of a 'The Police' song?). It just went super fast all of a sudden and even with my foot off of the pedal it wouldn't stop. I had to turn it off manually and when I turned it back on it started and stopped several times without me even touching the pedal! How strange is that?

Anyhoo, I managed to finish my little project and am happy with the accomplishment; time for a shower! (it is almost lunch time...)

PS Bedankt voor het leuke bandje Carla!

And Then There Were Two...