Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Light Sewing...

While the rain continues to fall (and the rivers are expected to flood in a major way) I decided to sew some new pillow covers out of the curtains (WorldMarket) that we used to have in our master bedroom. I also reupholstered (i.e. made a cover for) the little stool on the left. Now of course the rug doesn't go with the pillows anymore but what do you do...

I've been using orange as a main color in our interior for many years and now I am starting turn towards more reds, which again don't go at all with what we already have. Even white doesn't really go with anything we have. (at least not with much)
This is because all our woodwork is in the actual wood color/ stain and it would be an absolute nightmare to paint the whole house. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE painting the walls but I hate painting any woodwork. So, that's not going to happen. I'll just have to come up with a new color scheme for on the walls but with the rounded walls at the corners, that is not an easy project either. What a conundrum... ;-)

Stay dry!

1 comment:

  1. Wat leuk dat het bij jou ook veel oranje is/was! Hier ben ik, na jaren oranje, de laatste beetjes aan het wegwerken... Alleen de trap en lambrisering in de keuken zijn nu nog oranje. Maar dat zijn lastige klussen want de trap wordt contant belopen, en in de keuken moet dan alles er uitgehaald worden... Dus blijf ik het uitstellen! Wat zijn je kussentjes mooi geworden, echt heel schattig! Daar kun je trots op zijn! Heb net weer eens alles van je doorgelezen: wat ik de afgelopen tijd van je gemist heb, leuk om weer bij te zijn!! Lieve groetjes van Lupineke


How wonderful to hear from you!

And Then There Were Two...