Monday, May 14, 2012

A Weekend Along The Sidelines...

Like I said in my last post: not a punishment at all to spend your whole weekend along the sidelines of an Ultimate Frisbee tournament with temperatures of up to 80F / 27 C !  {smile}

First some pictures of our lovely river valley on our way there... 

Love these old barns!

Look: a Dutch farm!

Mount Rainier...


Skykomish River at Monroe...

Cascade Mountains in the background...

Not a Beaver I'm afraid. Just a stick, but a pretty stick at that!  <wink>

...and then some pictures of our even more lovely Miss M. (# 19) and her team mates...

Coach giving some interesting instructions...


Congratulations from a team mate...

Gear to keep that ankle protected...
That's my girl!  {smile}

And today it will be even hotter than yesterday so I will be spending another day outside with tons of sunscreen on!
Now I will have to out and water all the plants on the patio. They are not too happy with all this sudden heat...


  1. Leuke fotooos weer!!! Is dat een bever in de rivier?

  2. Haha, het lijkt er wel op, maar nee, gewoon een stok! ;-)

  3. Mooie foto's! En die schuren zijn inderdaad wonderschoon. Hebben jullie ook zo'n schuur? :) Ik ben wel een beeeeetje jaloers op de temperaturen daar, maar het is je gegund met zoveel sneeuw :) Geniet ervan!

  4. Dank je wel Mars! Helaas wonen wij in een saai modern huis (maar wel groot met giga tuin!) dus geen schuren hier. Wel rond het dorp heen en in de vallei...

  5. Oh wow - such wonderful pictures and what fabulous weather. We had a little sunshine here in the UK this weekend - talk about great big *smile* for just that teeny incy bit of sun : ) it's gone back to rain and grey now.

    Nina xxxx


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And Then There Were Two...