Friday, January 20, 2012

No Power!

Well, the power went out at 5am this morning and we're going crazy already. Our generator is on for a bit but the heater isn't working. Let's hope that get the power fixed SOON!


  1. Ik krijg mijn mail terug die ik naar je stuur?

  2. Doet jullie open haard het eigenlijk? Brrrrr. Sterkte mat afzien!

  3. I pray it comes on ASAP!!!! Stay warm!!! It's 20 below zero where I'm at!!! I can't imagine not having power and heat for more than an hour!!!!
    Chris :o)

  4. Oh dear, ik hoop dat jullie een open haard of houtkachel hebben en heeel veel hout! Je leest deze mailtjes vast pas weer, als alles gefixed is! Sterkte!

  5. I really hope you get the power back SOON!
    Kram, Monica

  6. That can be hard!
    I'm very happy as the snow finally came today and it's still here! I have been out all day (with my Cow Road gloves on, they are great) walking in the snow!
    Agneta kram


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