Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Horsing Around...

Last Friday we had most splendid weather with crisp air and blue skies, a rarity in this area. I brought my camera to Little Bit and took a few lovely shots of one of our Fjords. Let me introduce you to Zorro:

Today I will be working with him again after about a 9 months hiatus...  {smile}

PS As you can see I've done another blog re-do. Hope you likey-likey?  <wink> The picture was made on the same day as the pictures above, just half an hour earlier in fact, but it was in our Valley and so so foggy. What a difference a few miles make...


  1. Mooi geworden Marjan!! Prachtige foto's ook, zeker van dat fjordje, en fijn om weer even wat van je te horen/zien! Hier eindelijk een heeeeeel klein beetje poedersneeuw, maar het geeft absoluut het gevoel dat het nu eindelijk winter is! Hoef ik niet meer jaloers op jou te zijn! Groetjes!!

  2. What a sweet pony! Your new blog design looks great! It was a little sunny here yesterday, but not today :~(

  3. Love your photos!!! We have a heat wave in Anchorage today 10 degrees above zero...we are all so excited, LOL!!
    I love the pony, what a sweetie!
    Chris :o)

  4. banner change envy (can't even find the energy to post nevermind play!)
    great atmospheric pictures
    fee x
    (we're about to get v cold here, just FYI!)

  5. Beautiful pony! Ponies Fjords has always been my favorite ponies since I was little ;)

  6. Love the blog re-do. The picture in the header looks so vintage. Gorgeous!

  7. I love the foggy picture!
    Ind the Fjord is so cute! Is it called fjord for real - in English?
    Kram, Monica

  8. You are so clever with all these photos and blog prettiness! I can't even remember how I made the header to mine now!

  9. I love your new look.....My computer will not allow me to change out any of my pictures....it says that I have used up my quota so a friend is coming over to help me this next Monday.....so excited for a change!


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And Then There Were Two...