Or is it "Blackbird sings in the dead of night"? <wink>
Anyway, I wanted to show you this picture because I was quite proud of it. I made it using the tutorials I'm following over at Kim Klassen. I used two textures and several adjustment modes and a layer mask etc. Doesn't that sound impressive? (joking once again)
The picture itself I took from the home-office window through the slats. It was quite the active little fellow so it was hard to 'pin him down' so to speak. What a cutie! {smile}
That was all I was going to show you for today, but then we woke up at 5 am this morning with our Weather Alarm Radio going off, warning us that we were in the middle of an ice storm!
And indeed, just look at my poor plants in the yard...
All the plants and trees are super heavy with all the snow from the last few days, but now with all this ice covering them, they might not make it!
Yesterday, when we were walking toward the river we heard a very loud 'Pang' and it sounded like somebody was shooting a gun (they hunt in this area so that wouldn't be the strangest thing to hear), but then we actually saw a huge branch of an evergreen just snapping off of the top of tree!
All this ice makes for a lot of power outages and apparently we had one whilst we were sleeping so that wasn't too bad, but hopefully we will not have any more outages today. I'll post this quickly so that at least this post will be on it's way to you.
Have a great day you guys! {smile)