Monday, October 24, 2011

A 'Thank You' Card In Photoshop...

I've been spending quite a bit of time teaching myself on how to use Photoshop these last few days and yesterday I managed to download a whole bunch of extras to use.

This morning I really wanted to send an email 'thank you' to my neighbors for all the driving and entertaining they did with my daughter and her friends during an evening trip to a corn maze this weekend. (they didn't return until midnight and were very muddy!)

Within a few minutes I had this whipped up:
Not bad I thought!  {smile}
I found the corn picture online, added a white canvas background, added the scalloped edges, added the compass (a Brush) in the upper left hand corner, added the see through tape (also a Brush) and then added the text. Oh the possibilities!

If you're also interested in trying out this Photoshop lark then check out this site: Pugly Pixel. She has great tutorials and fabulous blog bling! I also found great shapes, brushes and textures on Fuzzimo with all free downloads. Of course there are tons more sites but these are the ones that I found most helpful for now...

Be prepared for lots of frustration however since it is all very complicated. I borrowed several books from the library and the only one that was truly useful was the "Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Photoshop CS4" book written by Mike and Linda Wooldridge. They show actual pictures of your computer screen and circle exactly which buttons to click and in which order. That sounds really stupid but that is how complicated it is.  The pictures look something like this..
This one was borrowed from Pugly Pixel...

I also borrowed the "Photoshop For Dummies" book but I didn't understand anything they were saying and there were hardly any pictures whatsoever. I felt pretty dumb to be honest after trying to read this one, so don't read it!  <wink>

Now I'm off to finish that large sewing project. 'Only' 19 more squares to go! (out of the 84...)

PS: Check out Pike Street for a fun picture to start out the week!  {smile} ( I meant the one about the desserts, she has posted several pics since...)


  1. En terecht, die veer in eigen r*&^%. Hij is nl hartstikke leuk! :) Dussss.

  2. Gaaf geworden, knap hoor! Weet je, ik vind dit soort dingen normaal al lastig, maar in het Engels kan ik het helemaal niet volgen.... dus begin ik er ook maar niet aan, helaas overigens! Want je doet er vreselijk leuke dingen mee...

  3. You are so clever!
    I know nothing about photo-editing...
    I just transfer my photos from the camera and show them as they are!
    Kram, Monica

  4. I've just begun to figure out blogger so I have no hope!


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And Then There Were Two...