Saturday, August 10, 2013

Commencement Bay...

What a lovely afternoon we had sailing on Commencement Bay in Tacoma yesterday...

Mr. G.'s brother and his wife had invited us on board and although it was rather hazy at first and there was not a lot wind, we had an absolutely wonderful time! You might not know this, but I grew up on sailboat just like this. Every weekend and every vacation we went sailing; in the summers we even crossed the English Channel! Great memories...
Click! to enlarge and to spot the harbor seal...
The old Hogwarts kind of building you see above is Stadium High School where the brothers went to school, a 'few' years ago... <wink>

I've observed Commencement Bay from Mr. G.'s parents house so many times in the past 24 years, but this was the first time to taking it all in from the water level...

Thanks D. & G.!  {smile}


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And Then There Were Two...