My favorite view from Day 3:
Ebey's Landing (National Historic Reserve) on Whidbey Island overlooking the Puget Sound towards the Olympic Peninsula: stunning!
So on the last day of our trip we first drove to our most favorite shellfish farm:
Taylor's. It is just south of Bellingham on Chuckanut Drive.
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It smells like the sea, oyster-banks just of the beach and tough fisherman with smiles from ear to ear. (really!) I bought 2lb's of fresh mussels and some pickled herring: Yum! I prepared the mussels in a coconut curry sauce with lime later that week and oh boy, such goodness!
As we were paying for the mussels, we were reminded of another fabulous and hilarious episode of Mike Rowe (of "Dirty Jobs") when he visited the farm two years ago and did some unmentionables with the Geoducks... <wink> (Google Geoducks if you don't know what they are)
For another foodie experience we drove onward to Bow where we found our favorite cheese farm. We got to try at least six different cheeses (our breakfast) and we choose several to take with us. Always a lovely place to visit with cows mooing in the background!
We stopped at Anacortes, a town we had never visited before. The marine layer was still rather thick but slowly we started seeing some rays of sunshine. Other 'rays of sunshine' were all the tiny and fun little thrift stores we found! I'm so lucky to have a husband that likes to visit these places as much as I do! {smile} Beautiful buildings as well...
Across Deception Pass we stopped at
Ebey's Landing for a hike to the cliffs. For me I think this was the best part of the whole trip: so so beautiful! It was warm but not hot, the wheat fields were rustling in the wind and then of course the stunning views over the Puget Sound with a fog horn blasting in the far distance. (that marine layer was rather persistent in some places!)
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And more seagulls of course, which always give me that ultimate vacation feeling...
Our final stop was at the little artists' town of Langley, again a place we had never visited before. I don't know why we hadn't, because it was just wonderful! We had a fancy dinner on a rooftop and then took the ferry off the island back home to where master C. and our chocolate lab Olive were waiting for us.
What a wonderful trip to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary! {smile}