Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sun & Snow...

Another gorgeous day here today. Not as sunny as yesterday but still extremely mild outside. This is what we encountered on our way home from Costco where we bought a power washer... (spring cleaning feelings anyone?)  <wink>

Meantime in The Netherlands...

Isn't it just gorgeous over there? (but oh so cold....)
These beautiful pictures were taken by my dad's wife: Thanks for sharing Hanneke!  {smile}

PS Look: A man and his toy!
I tried some too (see bottom part of picture) and just look at the difference! What an awesome gadget...


  1. You have spring already!!! I am soo envious...
    So no spring cleaning feelings here!
    But we have a power washer in case...
    Kram, Monica

  2. Helloo!
    Ahhh positively looks like it in your neck of the woods, currently in the middle of a snow storm in Sweden...aaaarrrghhh
    Happy Monday and a great week ahead

    P.S. LOVE your rose cursor when I left a comment ;-0 How do you do that? your so clever with your gadgets

  3. Wauw wat een prachtige foto's weer!! Wat woon je daar toch prachtig!!

  4. Ik vroeg me al af wat een power washer was...een hogedrukspuit dus! Geniet van je lente!

  5. Did he clean so there's a heart? What a romantic man.
    It's so beautiful where you live. Yesterday my husband was looking on the blogs that I follow and then he said: Cow Road is a beautiful blog! Where does she live, then I told him who you are and that I got the gloves from you and that you're from the Netherlands (he had much business with the Netherlands when he was still active, the Boskoop area), then he wanted me to say hallo to you! So Hallo from Peter!


How wonderful to hear from you!

And Then There Were Two...