Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Lunchtime...

The snow and the rain have stopped and it is starting to lighten up some. 

After dropping of Miss M. at school for a fun trip to Snoqualmie Pass where she and her classmates will be playing some SnowUltimate (= Ultimate Frisbee in the snow) early this morning, we stopped by Value Village for some thrifting. I bought a light pink polka-dotted maternity dress with beautiful rose buttons (I bought the dress for those buttons to be honest) and Mr. G. found a most awesome Coleman's thermos flask container thingie but it is round! (I will take pictures later)

We did some light grocery shopping and came home with a baguette and some lovely goat blue cheese. I will now be parking myself on the couch with that, a cup of peppermint tea and my latest book addiction: "The Hunger Games'! I finished the first part last night and have just started the second part. Can't wait, what an exciting read!

I'll leave you with another lovely tulip pic and will see you again tomorrow!  {smile}


  1. Het klinkt en ziet er uit als een fijne dag!

  2. Sounds like you had a fun morning, Marjan! I love the tulips photos!

  3. Hope you had a nice time with your new book!
    Kram, Monica

  4. I have just finished helping the boys review that book as one of their favourites books ever. I read it before them last year because I heard it might be a bit gnarly for boys. Seriously! It scared me more than them. I couldn't pt it down. The third one is great too! That polka dot dress might be useful for patches of fabric. Look at me procrastinating about going to the doctor today!i

    1. I was wondering earlier today when it would be Monday for you. Thinking of you all!!!


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