Monday, March 19, 2012

Signs of Spring, Week 3...

Well, we are still at least 10 degrees (Fahrenheit) below average and at waking up this morning it was 32F/ 0C so not much Spring going on over here. We've had occasional snow at least four times last week, can you believe it?

But, there are still some Signs of Spring to be found. Just look at this... (pictures taken in between all the torrential downpours)

In the back yard...

Day Lilies...


Just before the storm...

Thunder & Lightning and an enormous amount of Hail on its way...
The ten-day forecast isn't looking too promising but we'll get there in the end. We always do...

PS You can find more 'partners in crime' at Viveka's blog 'Humlebacken'.


  1. In spite of the whether, you have managed to find some very nice-looking spring-signs!
    Kram, Monica

    1. Thanks Monica! There is always something to find in Mother Nature... :-)

  2. It looks like spring is springing a little bit over there....I like the look of stormy skies. As long as I'm indoors ;-)
    X x x x

    1. Believe me, I jumped indoors as soon as the deluge hit! ;-)

  3. I Heart Target.

    Apparently we had some sleet in my neighborhood yesterday, but I missed it :~)

  4. WOW die lucht ziet er angstaanjagend uit! Gelukkig is het bij Target wel Lente!

    1. Indeed! Ik zag er zelfs fijne tuinstoelen (plastic) in 'teal' (ik weet niet hoe die kleur in het Nerderlands heet: donker blauw/ groen maar geen turquoise)) die ik ga kopen als we de pick-up truck bij ons hebben. Eeen koopje voor $18 per stoel and so comfy... :-)

  5. Ni verkar ha ett intressant väder, det kommer jag ihåg från förra årets vårteckensutmaning också! Men just vädrets skiftningar är ju en form av vårtecken. Här närmar vi oss tiden då det årliga aprilvädret slår till. En period då det ömsom regnar och ömsom snöar. Kan du stava till leriga hundtassar? ;)


How wonderful to hear from you!

And Then There Were Two...