Friday, June 3, 2011

High School Stuff...

Last night we had an event at school where they honoured all the High School Varsity Athletes for this past school year. Always a fun event so we attended, especially since our oldest was actually one of those athletes.  ~wink~

We were not only there for that but also because he had to play in the Jazz Combo outside the hall to welcome all the students and parents. Our youngest (graduating from Middle School this year) was there on the front steps handing out the programs etc.

Here you can see Miss M. in the foreground with Mister C. playing bass in the background...

And here a couple more action shots of Mister C. I don't get many him these days (or the kids in general) because 'that is just not cool Mom!'

C.s teacher on the trumpet!
So today? Today the sun is shining!!!!! Already at 6:30 in the morning!   {Big Smile!}

The real nice weather has finally arrived, even though it is only for three days... You know where I'll be!     {Even Bigger Smile!}


  1. Beautiful children!
    Congratulations to the fine whether! At last!
    Kram, Monica

  2. They really are beautiful! What a lovely family!

  3. very cute young adults you have and enjoy the great weather!


How wonderful to hear from you!

And Then There Were Two...