Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Starting To Exhale...

<Who knew that starting to exhale would make you realize how much inhaling you've been doing!>

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the lovely compliments on my latest sewing creation! Your comments made my day. I do feel however that my sewing has become a bit of an addiction: the highs are high but the lows are low and no time for any breathing room in between... Time for a break I think! 

I've been painting: first Master C.s room and a few days later I once again (the 4th time I think) tackled our dining and kitchen area. That is all now a light grey/ light blue shade, very neutral and light. Photo's will follow later. I'm also thinking about picking up some cross-stitching again, it has been way too long...

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Yesterday I was invited for lunch and a photography session at a friend's house because "The Lilies at the pond are blooming!". And indeed they were...

My friend lives on 20 acres (!) and their land is comprised of Lavender fields, pastures, ponds and a barn. I felt like I was on vacation! Everything was so quiet and peaceful and even the sun peeked out for a little while. Here are some impressions...

Thank you Kim!  {smile}


  1. Oh, I love the water lilies! When I was a child, we had a pond with white water lilies...
    Kram, Monica

  2. Waterlelies zijn mooi! Dat is inderdaad wonderschoon bij die vriendin van jou!

  3. Moooooie foto's, ik voel de rust en kalmte er gewoon van af stralen! Wat ijverig van je, dat je de kamer(s) aan het schilderen bent! Hier ligt dat werkje al weer maanden stil, om een of andere reden lukt het me niet om het weer op te pikken... (ik wachtte op de zomer, zodat de tuindeuren dan open konden staan, maar om een of andere onverklaarbare reden komt er niks van ;)) Groetjes!!

  4. Oh my how beautiful...we are blessed to live in such a stunning world. Your images are lovely.
    Happy midweek to you.

  5. Ja superjurk. erg fyfties. staat je goed. Je hebt inderdaad veel gemaakt, de laatste tijd. Gaan jullie nog vakantie vieren? wij nog ruim week dan vakantie. groetjes sabeth


How wonderful to hear from you!

And Then There Were Two...