Wow, it was quite the weekend indeed...
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Beautiful people and very proud parents! |
There was of course The Prom, a very big deal here in the States with an organized dinner at the Seattle Tennis Club beforehand, then the Prom downtown and then an after party further outside of the city. We arrived home (Mr. G. always has to chaperone these events) around 12:30am and Master C. didn't see his bed until 3am.
Of course before this whole Prom event happened, we had spent most of the day watching Miss M. perform during an Ultimate Frisbee event during 85 degree weather: it was hot & humid!
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Miss M. in action! |
Needless to say, we were all rather frazzled on Sunday and then Master C. had to take the Amtrak train service to Portland to start his senior project. (he is shadowing several business men in different businesses and then after three weeks he has to give a presentation at school about his findings) This week he is staying with his aunt & uncle in Portland and so I had made two zippered pouches as a thank you gift for auntie K. She is a big fan of France (Paris especially) so I was very happy to make here these two themed pouches...
Yesterday I had another visit with the orthodontist. We both agreed that after a year and a half of Invisalign treatment those darn two bottom teeth still weren't in the right place. So now I have actual braces on my lower teeth. Rather painful (sensitive is the better word) right now, but lo and behold: they are straight already!
As I was resting on the couch afterwards, a big storm came up with thunder and lightning and power outages. At one point the wind blew a huge part of our Maple tree right into the neighbors' yard. Thank goodness the two large branches landed right between the fence and their house and didn't do any damage! (except for the hedge, but that was obviously not important)
It took us over an hour and four people plus a chain saw to get rid of the debris. What busy few days we've had. Now I just want to go back to bed again. Instead I will do some more sewing I think...