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Master C. is running right at the front here... |
I'm inspired! This time I don't mean creative inspiration but physical and mental inspiration. Just look at all these high school students run! This was last week's Cross Country race (3miles = 5k) at Magnusson Park in Seattle. Our team (in the dark green shorts and white shirts) all started off right in the front, what a sight.
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Master C. on the right battling it out with one of the fastest
runners in the league. (he didn't make it in the end, but he tried!) |
Every time I see Master C. run he makes it look so effortless and graceful. And every time I see him I think to myself: I wish I could run like that...
Now I have to remain realistic and no, I will never run like that. But oh boy, I am actually running every other day and every time I go out I can run longer and it feels better and better! Yesterday I ran 7 minutes in one go, then walked for 3 (to catch my breath) and then I ran another 2 1/2 minutes all the way home. That was almost 1 mile!!! (= 1.5 km) Wahoo!!!! {big smile}
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Last weekend we had a taste of early Fall and we had to wear jeans and sweatshirts all of a sudden. In the mornings at least, because in the afternoon the sun would come out and everything was quite peachy again. The temps are right around 70F / 20C these days and it is just lovely.
I will be wearing a light fleece jacket today to Little Bit however, since things are always pretty chilly in the barn. Now with all the running I've been doing, I feel a lot better at Little Bit again also since a lot of walking (and schlepping of heavy saddles etc) is involved.
Oh, before I forget: look at this fabulous find I found on the side of the road the other day: (the rack)
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Yes, there is the wii-fitness balance board in the foreground. I use that for about 30 minutes after every run... |
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"Nazdravja" Carla! (little inside joke between myself and my sister) |
This postcard rack only cost $15 (about 10 Euro's), it fits a ton of cards and it actually rotates! {smile} Now I just have to find a good spot for it...
Well, that was it for now. Not much blog- worthy- stuff going on over here, but I just wanted to check in with you to let you know I'm still here and still reading all your blogs of course. (always the best source of inspiration) Toodles!