Friday, January 8, 2016

Foggy Head...

Morning light...

Two days ago I came downstairs, made my coffee and sat down to check out my usual websites. Mr. G. was getting ready to leave for work and I mentioned to him that I had a slight inclination that I might get a sore throat. Only a couple of hours later I did indeed get that sore throat and I received a text from Mr. G. that his nose was running like crazy. Uhoh! We're now in day three and we both have a full blown head cold! I can't remember when I was last sick, thank goodness for that, but bah, what a whopper! No fever or anything like that, but I'm definitely laying low...

The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I always feel so much better with more energy and creativity after an episode like this, so here's to hoping... <wink>


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And Then There Were Two...