Thursday, October 10, 2013

Still Here...

Just a quick post to show that I'm still here! This last week we had an exchange teacher from Shanghai staying with us, who only had about three words of English. Rather uncomfortable I must admit, even though we all tried very hard. I do think he had a good time here. It must have been so foreign for him, all this nature we live in. (compared to such an enormously large city as Shanghai!)

I was able to get some more sewing for the school's Auction in (see pictures above). I dropped off all the items yesterday and am rather nervous about it all, never having sold anything as it were. Fortunately the Auction isn't until later in November, so hopefully by that time I will have forgotten about it...

Miss M. ad Mr. G. took a lovely walk to our river over the weekend (we had absolutely glorious weather for four days in a row!) and here are some of the pictures Miss M. shot. Isn't this bird just spectacular?

The salmon are running this time of year so lots of food for this fellow...

I'm off now for my yearly mammogram. I'm always happy when that appointment is over and done with for another year...

Tolt River...

PS:  I managed to run 5.12 miles (= 8,3 km) last Monday! That was absolutely fantastic, but now my ankle (that I broke almost four years ago) has been protesting ever since. I think I'll take it easy for a bit...


  1. Amazing pictures of the eagle, my compliments to your daughter!
    Kram, Monica

  2. I am SO pleased to see that you are "selling" auctioning off some of your beautiful creations! There is no need to be nervous, anyone would be lucky to win something that you have made! Amazing shots of the Eagle!!!

  3. Oh, Chinese, that must have been hard but I guess he had a great time with you and that beutiful part of the country!
    Fantastic pictures of the eagle, she must have inherited the photographic talent from her mother! Powerful bird.
    And your items are great and will be sold, don't worry!
    Aggie kram

  4. I absolutely like the birds.
    You are SO Lucky to have eagles around. Never saw one in real life.

    Your little Eifffel-tower-bags are absolutely gorgeous. No worries!


  5. Sometimes you don't need language. Good girl going for your mammogram. I nearly had a meltdown at mine this year but it is worth the anxiety for the relief when it is clear. x


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And Then There Were Two...