We are quite the boring family, I must admit. By the time the weekend comes around we're just happy to be home, most of the time. But this weekend was very different...
It started out with the fabulous Soundgarden concert on Friday night. Master C. and his friend followed along while Miss M. and her Varsity Basketball Team apparently played the game of their life! She then spent two nights at a friend's house while master C. spent the next day on the ski slopes, leaving us (the parents) once again with a Saturday to ourselves.
Some of those hours we spent at IKEA. We were looking to buy some 'Semlor' (a Swedish pastry that you can only buy this time of year) but 'ack and alas', no semlor were to be found. I did find a nice tiny 'Princess Torte' (a little creamy cake with pink marzipan over the top) so that did the trick. Somehow we spent $80 at IKEA on I don't know what.... (oh yes, several teal colored items such as candles, a yard waste bin for on the counter and a semi-circle doormat) It is so nice to finally live fairly close to an IKEA store so that we can just go when we feel like it and don't have to drive four hours to get there!
Anyway, I was so exhausted still from the concert the night before that I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed , slumbering and watching more episodes of James Herriot: pure relaxation! {smile}
But, the weekend wasn't over yet. yesterday we had tickets to go see another show of the most fabulous Cirque du Soleil: "Amaluna!" So worth the money, I can't tell you enough.
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All pictures found on the web since no photography was allowed inside the tent... |
So, all in all a weekend to cherish!
Now we have this week to get through and then we'll have a week off for our Winter Break. Not too many plans as of now and that is just fine with me. Hope you guys had a great weekend as well? I see that Holland has received snow
again! We still haven't received any and it doesn't look like it will come in the near future either. Looking forward to seeing more signs of spring soon...
PS: Oh, and there was some creativity also, don't you worry. Several pillow cases were made out of the softest flannel ever... (for in the TV room)
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I added some ribbons to the front and the back has a simple envelope opening. Easy Peasy! |