Thursday, February 25, 2016

Smiling Through The Tears...

Click! to enlarge...

A lovely friend of mine went into hospice care earlier this week. I visited her there and said my goodbyes. I just cannot believe it.

I'm 'smiling through my tears' as I know she would want it that way.

Find peace dearest friend...

Picture taken a little over three years ago, 
when we drove to Seattle in this fabulous car.
We had so much fun!

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  1. I am so sorry for your loss, words do not convey my meaning but I am sending you love and

  2. Ach, wat vreselijk verdrietig.. Heel veel sterkte met het verlies van je dierbare vriendin..

  3. Very sorry for your loss. Looks like you have some great memories.


How wonderful to hear from you!

And Then There Were Two...