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Can I just go for the record here and tell you that I am in love with my new Maren sweater/ cardigan! {smile}
I'm on day 8 of being sick (and being sick of it too!) so have had quite a bit of time to do some work on this Craftsy knitting project. Yesterday I joined the front to the back of the body and off we go, racing down to the bottom hem.
Last week Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat (no forewarning no nothing) and whammo, down for the count. Today is the first day that I'm truly feeling that I'm on the road to recovery, but man, it is so slow... No energy to be found. Just a cold for crying out loud! (ok, I'm truly rambling now)
Anyway, it has also been kind of nice just hanging around at home with nothing on the agenda, since I had to cancel all my volunteering and my newly found yoga class. I've been fiddling with a new header for the blog, done some knitting, did some lounging in front of the tv, did some rearranging in the front living room. (we have a house with two living rooms...) etc. Nesting while waiting for the looming darker days of Fall and Winter...
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And yes, I made the Dutch map in the background. Designed by Thea Gouverneur, all in tiny cross-stitch! |
We did stop by the Pumpking Patch with Miss M.last week sometime. The weather was gorgeous and Miss M. so enjoys a visit to the pumpkin patch. Can you believe this will have been the last time we have done this together? (next year she will be off to university)
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In a couple of days Mr. G. and I will be off for an overnight trip to Spokane to visit with Master C. I haven't seen him for almost two months and waiting until Thanksgiving is just too long. So looking forward to seeing him again! {smile}
Playing with new apps, this one is called Fragment... |