Ha, finally I can show you my finished
Lady Sweater: Tadaa!!! Just in time for my trip to visit my family in The Netherlands in a few weeks time, where it is much cooler than over at this end. (we've had the a/c on two days in a row, yes, we live in the Pacific Northwest!)
I used a very simple and not expensive acrylic worsted weight yarn from Lion Brand called 'Heartland - Mount Rainier', isn't that fitting? Unfortunately I ran out of this color with only 10 more rows to go in the last sleeve. Since I didn't have time for a few days to go to the store, I decided to knit up this very quick hat for Mr. G. (although modeled here by Master C.) You can find the free pattern
I used the same yarn as above, only in the 'Smoky Mountains' colorway. The pattern only came in one size and I must admit it is tad bit roomy so for the next time I would knit fewer stitches but otherwise it was super easy and fun to make!
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So yesterday I was tagged by fellow blogging friend
Katie from Randomnest in a blog hop! My first thought was "Holy Cow!" (pun intended). I've never done any of these kind of short interviews before and I find it a bit scary to be honest. Here it goes:
#1 What have been the doings/makings/scribblings at your desk over the past week or so?
Well, the summer months are a bit low on creativity I must admit. The kids are home for three (high school) and almost four months (university) and since my husband works in education he has the whole month of July off. This basically means that I have no alone time during those months, which is when I produce most. (during that alone time I mean) (oh boy, I'm rambling already...)
I've been busy knitting, as you can see from the photos above, and I did start sewing a sleeveless blouse but that has actually ended up in the bin (first time ever I think!) since I didn't have enough fabric and the fiddling with extra fabric just didn't work out. I painted a few furniture items and I also repainted our bedroom and then sewed up some new curtains, so all and all that is pretty creative right?
#2 Where are you currently finding your inspiration?
I don't read a lot of magazines because the internet is basically one big one!
#3 How important is being creative to you and how do you blend this with your work/life/family balance?
I simply am creative every single day, in one form or another. I just love to make and or create something. Not only physically making something but also 'just' visually with my photography. I bought an I-Phone this Spring and am having fun with some of the photo editing software in it. I do feel that my daily life has to be in order for any creativity to sprout, so right now I'm cleaning out closets (my clothing closet for one, but also the pantry) and am reorganizing a bit. That makes my head feel clearer and gives me more room (in my head) to think of something new to make.
Well, that was about it. I will leave you with this picture I snapped the other day while shopping at a nearby Outlet Mall: I so want a cow like that for my back yard! <wink>
To be clear here, it is a statue, not a real cow!
{smile} |
PS Oops, I almost forgot to tag somebody for the next blog hop. (I hope they don't mind???) May I present to you Janina from
Elke Dag Zaterdag ("every day Saturday") and
Nina Nixon. Both are very creative in their own ways and I enjoy reading their posts every single time...