I don't usually enter give-aways since the chance of winning is so slim and then I'd be so disappointed, but a few weeks ago a give-away crossed my path which I just couldn't have pass me by.
Janina from the wonderful
'Elke Dag Zaterdag' (Every Day Saturday) blog made this beautiful stitched 'postcard'. I just loved it from the first minute I saw it and now
it is here in my house! {smile} She didn't just send me the card, she also added some lovely pieces of Dutch fabric to the envelope, what a nice surprise:
Bedankt Janina!!!
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Let's see, what else has been going on? Oh yes, I knitted a small hat to go with my Red Raglan. It didn't quite work out the way I had planned, but I had fun making it... Some Dutch people told me it reminded them of Harry Slinger, the singer of Drukwerk. <wink> (sorry, Dutch reference...)
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Lots of Evening Grosbeaks were spotted at the bird feeder the other day. We only see them certain times of the year and they fly in large groups. They look like super big finches and their coloring is just fantastic. I managed to take a few pictures through my office window...
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Aren't they just gorgeous??! |
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Last week we had several days of very high temperatures (up to 90F/ 30C!) and my new dress worked out nicely in that heat... (now we're back in the rain unfortunately with records nearly broken...)
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Sorry, my mannequin is a bit crooked... |
This is the third version of the same pattern and I still love it! {smile}
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Well, I think that was it for now. Miss M. is taking her AP English exam this morning (4 hours of writing several essays and analysis) and Master C. has finished all his college finals for the year. Mr. G. will be driving to Spokane tomorrow to move him back home for the summer. That is a lot of driving in one day (about 9 hours there and back) and then it is High School Prom Night in the evening, for which he has to be a chaperon. (part of the job) Busy, but good, times!