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Twins!!! |
Wow, lots of knitting experiences happening these days! I don't only mean the knitting itself, but meeting so many well-known and lesser- known knitters in the knitting community in person!
Last night I attended the meet & greet with Karen Templer from the blog
Fringe Association. The event started at 6pm so I thought I'd get there a bit early to get a good seat: the place (Tolt Yarn & Wool) was packed already!
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I ran into my 'twin' (see very first picture above) with the same Maren Cardigan only in a different color way. (also very pretty!) Later that evening we found out that our kids actually know each other so that was an extra fun event in itself...
Not only was Karen there but also
Gudrun Johnston from Shetland Trader Designs (she will be book-signing and speaking tomorrow at Tolt Yarn & Wool),
Kathy Cadigan photographer extraordinaire of knitted items,
Dianna Walla of the blog Paper Tiger,
Tif Fussell of the blog Dottie Angel and of course
Anna Dianich, owner of Tolt Yarn & Wool and our wonderful hostess!
I chatted with a lot of different people and was quite exhausted after.. (I usually spend my days home alone, not a complaint, just an observation) What fun to meet so many like-minded people and tomorrow I get to do it again! {smile}
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Of course during this week I finished my Maren Cardigan and I've been wearing it just about every day: it is so comfy! (and I am so proud of course) The steeking worked out quite nice if I say so myself, but it was rather nerve wracking... I liked working on this sweater so much that I'm even considering knitting another one in a different colorway, but that will have to wait for a bit since I have several other projects lined up first...
Right now I'm knitting a beautiful hat for Mr. G. out of Big Sister
Yoth yarn, designed by Veronica Jobe (who was also there last night of course) We visited her stand at Knitfit last weekend in Ballard, (Seattle); the place was packed and it was a really fun event. Veronica's booth was just spectacular. All the displays were build by her dad (and other family members?) and had a great industrial and vintage vibe. It was so busy that I couldn't take proper pictures of the displays unfortunately, but I snapped a few little corners...
I also visited the
Tin Can Knits booth and purchased their latest 'Road Trip' pattern book. I fell in love with their 'Clayoquot' pattern (it also comes with a hat pattern!), but their other patterns are also beautiful so I will have a hard time choosing...
Oh boy oh boy, who would have thought all this would happen within a year of the opening of Tolt Yarn & Wool? I love knitting and I love the knitting community! {smile}
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Off I go now to Little Bit. It is still absolutely freezing outside (both literally and figuratively speaking) and all classes before noon have been cancelled because of the cold and the frozen footing: that is just fine with me! <wink>
Have a wonderful weekend everybody!