... don't get me down! (the Carpenters) Yep, still lots of rain here, but much higher temperatures and we've even enjoyed a few days with full-on sunshine!
I always find it difficult to write again after a longish hiatus. Where to start? Let's just say that life is moving along just fine.
The husband and I spent a couple of days in and near Port Townsend, WA. The first day we had super blue skies and only sunshine. The next day that was all gone and it became quite blustery, stormy even. Also fun along the coast. It was just really nice to be out and about in different surroundings together. We stayed in the cutest little cottage ever at
Chevy Chase Beach Cabins. Seriously, how cute is this? (see below)
Port Townsend... |
We brought our own Italian coffee machine, plus my favorite coffee mug of course... |
Spring Break is over again and we are now looking forward to Master C.'s graduation from college in three weeks time. (Gonzaga) How did that happen so fast??! We are so happy for him, great times!
I'll leave you with some fun pictures of the birds that we are finding in our yard right now. Lots of new faces (migratory birds) and the old well known ones as well. They always make me smile...
Steller Blue Jay... |
White-Crowned Sparrow... |
Evening Grosbeak... |
Robin... |
American Goldfinch... |
Band Tailed Pigeon... |
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