This is the same picture as my new blog header above, just not edited. Click! to enlarge. The Cascade Mountain Range is in the background... |
...and I say: it's alright! (Twice today I heard this song, so I took that as a sign and used it for my blog opener...)
So yes, what a simply glorious day it was: so much sunshine! I started the day out quietly, checking out what everybody else was up to on Facebook and Instagram and some newspapers etc.
After I spent some time reading on the couch and enjoying seeing the Daffodils basking in the sun, I took my knitting bag and spent an hour at Tolt Yarn & Wool for some very pleasant chitchatting, oohing & aahing over all the different projects and the Downton Abbey shocker from this past Sunday. (!)
At noon it was time for me to drive to Little Bit for my weekly volunteering. Everybody was just so happy to be outside and realizing that the sun is actually starting to give off some warmth!
We had the cutest rider today, a little four year old guy who was working so hard at pronouncing things right. You should have seen his face when he got to brush the horse afterwards and even have her eat some carrots of a plate that he was holding! {smile}
Afterwards I always have lunch with the other ladies that volunteer there every Tuesday and it was just fun to chat with everyone...
On the way home I stopped a few times to take pictures of the mountains that were out in all their glory. Unfortunately my big camera would have been way better for this of course, but who would have thought it would become such a glorious day?!
The light caught my eye again once I was home, so I took these following pics with the big camera (Canon Rebel T1i)...
PS: Forecast for tomorrow: 100% rain...
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